James passing over

2008 January 12

Created by colette 16 years ago
On 12 January 2008 James kissed his beautiful chidren goodbye and left his house to take 5mimi drive to work.Sadly he never made it.Shortly before 9am his car slipped onto black ice, there was nothing he could have done.He hit another car on the other side of the road and died insteantly of head injury.(I WOULDNT WANTED HIM IN ANY PAIN)James had done nothing wrong he wasnt speeding,his seat belt was on,he wasnt on his phone and he didnt drink or take drugs it was just a tragic acicdent.The weather was the only thing to blame in this.James worked for the police and had spend the night before dealing with thing that where being caused by the weather.He even rang me at 7.54 which was the last time I ever spoke to him to tell me not to go out as he was worried about the weather.He always looked out for me.I felt num all day didnt really believe it even took our son to his first football match as planned.They won which me and my son get great comfort from.I took my son beacause didnt want the day to pass with that numness and James wouldnt have either. Things happen all around u everyday but never to yourself its does I know that now. Rest In peace Angel xxxx

